Salim C, Notary Public, provides and delivers wide range of notarial services, helping you locate and prepare the proper legal documentation for plenty of scenarios. Whether you need to certify your document, prepare affidavits/stat declarations, true copies, authentication and legalizations documents, insurance loss declaration or you require legal docuements prepared by a qualified professionals, Salim is highly qualified and your trusted notary in British Columbia.
Salim has the knowledge, education, and expertise to provide you with the step-by-step guidance you need to fulfill your notarial needs. Please feel free to contact our certified notary Salim in Surrey at 6048173022, if you have any questions about notarial services or fees, He offers a variety of general notarial services, including:
- Notarization of various documents
- Attestation of signature
- Statutory declarations/Affidavits
- Travel consent letters
- Certified true copies of original documents (i.e. birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate, passport, immigration PR, Canadian Citizen, Study Permit, Work permit, and other documents)
- Insurance loss stat declarations
- Unregistered vehicle/trailer stat declarations
Salim also provides identification services for passport applications, proof of identity for legal travel and authorization for minor/child travel.
Our policy is not to witness separation agreements, custody agreements, divorce papers, and home made wills or power of attorneys. However, we do witness family law related affidavits ( not prepared by us and no advice given to our clients) prepared by our clients.
Authentication is when the Society of Notaries Public of BC and the BC government certifies that the notary public’s seal and signature appearing on a notarized document is that of a licensed and appointed notary public in and for the province of British Columbia. In some cases, usually if the document is to be used in a foreign country, it may be necessary to have the notary’s seal and signature verified (authenticated) by the Society of Notaries Public of BC and the BC government or the Canadian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. You should contact your country's consulate office to find out what steps you need to complete this task. Our office will also help you in this regard.
A Notary has the authority to administer oaths, solemn affirmations, and declarations that are used for affidavits and statutory declarations.
Affidavit: An affidavit is the written equivalent of giving oral evidence under oath by the “deponent”, who is the person who makes the affidavit. It is a written description of facts. The affidavit is sworn or solemnly declared to be true. An affidavit is usually made in the context of court proceedings. Hearsay evidence is allowed as long as the source of the deponent’s information is identified, and the deponent takes an oath that he/she believes the evidence is true.
Statutory declaration: A Statutory Declaration is when a person solemnly declares that the contents of an official document (written document or government forms, etc.) are true and correct. A solemn declaration has the same legal effect as an oath in the court's eyes.The person making the solemn declaration is called a deponent. The act of administering a solemn declaration is called commissioning a statutory declaration.It is not necessary that the deponent holds a religious book, or raise his or her hand while undertaking a solemn declaration.A person may be prosecuted criminally for knowingly making a false solemn declaration.